
lunge Archives - Link Endurance

Traveling Lunge with Twist

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Here is one of my favorite movements for improving hip mobility and creating glute strength/firing patterns. Couple key notes on this move:
1- Exhale as you twist your trunk. Holding your breath will only exacerbate tightness
2- Don’t rush the twist. Take you time and let your breathing dictate your tempo
3- Be sure to pull from your heal as you stand for glute engagement and to take the stress off your quadriceps

This movement can be done with no weight as part of a dynamic warm up, or with weight as part of your strength plan. Don’t have a lot of room for the “traveling” part? Not a problem, simply step back into a reverse lunge instead of stepping forward. Then you can do it anywhere.

CLICK HERE for the video

Curtsy Lunge/Crossover Lunge

By | Blog, Movements

This is the 3rd movement in the series of “multi-directional” lunges. In this video you learn the proper mechanics and movement pattern of the “Curtsey” lunge. I put all 3 lunges together at the end, demonstrating the series all together.

To see the video of the curtsey lunge along with putting all 3 lunges in this series together click here.

Episode 41 Back to School Breakfast Ideas & Benefits of the 45 Degree Lunge

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In this episode I give you 2 very easy options for quick “on the go” HEALTHY breakfast for you and your children.
Click here for a direct link to the recipe.

Then we will talk about the benefits of the 45 degree lunge and how you can incorporate it into your functional training regimen. Click here for a direct link to the instructional video.

To listen to this episode click here or download on iTunes for later.

If you have a question or comment please leave it below.

45 Degree Lunge

By | Blog, Movements | 2 Comments

This is part 2 of in the series of multi-directional lunges. The 45 degree lunge is excellent for increasing range of motion through the hip, increasing balance and dynamic lengthening of the inner thigh/hip flexor. Remember as always your FORM is key. Start out with body weight only. Click here to see the video.

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below.

Episode 40: Benefits of Chlorella and Benefits of the Lateral Lunge

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If you like to eat sushi, tuna (fresh or canned), or any other fish, then you need to know about the whole food supplement chlorella. Fish can be laden with heavy metals that are harmful to your health. Incorporating chlorella into your meal will help rid your body of these dangerous toxins. Also in this episode I discuss the first part in a series of “multi-directional” lunges, the Lateral Lunge. I have a video demonstrating exactly how to do this movement along with progressions.

Click here to listen or download from iTunes for later. Just search “Eat Real and Move”

Click here for the direct link to order Sun Chlorella, or visit www.sunchlorella.com to learn more.

If you like what you hear please share with a friend :-).

I would love to hear from you so if you have a question or comment please leave it below. You can also go to iTunes and leave a review.

Lateral Lunge

By | Blog, Movements | No Comments

This is the first part in a series of “multi-directional”, or, “multi-planar” lower body movements. In this video I teach you proper technique and progressions of the lateral lunge. Click here to see the video.

If you have a question or comment about this video please leave it in the comment section below.