
#linkendurancecoaching Archives - Link Endurance

Episode 204: Boost Your Immune System, Recovery, & Decrease Stress

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In this episode Mo sits down with Rachell Brinkerhoff to educate you on the power of using essential oils. We discuss her incredible story of resilience and grit of how she went from being a homeless single mother with two kids to a thriving business woman that is changing the world.

You will learn how Rachel used essential oils to rid her son’s chronic ear infections once and for all, and how YOU can use these same oils to:

  • Improve immune function 
  • Rid you body of harmful pathogens (especially after muddy obstacle races)
  • Reduce stress
  • Increase energy, learning ability and focus 

We also discuss:

  • Multiple ways to apply/ingest botanicals
  • Where to apply oils and why those locations
  • The best oils for reducing stress, increasing energy, improving digestion, boosting immune function

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts!


Email: rachell@essentialsforliving.earth

IG: @essentialsfor_living

FB: Rachell Brinkerhoff

Episode 203: Faye Stenning Talks Pre-Tahoe Recovery, Bears, The Importance of Sleep Hygiene, & More

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In this episode Mo and Miles chat with Spartan Pro Faye Stenning in the midst of her taper for Spartan World Championships in less than two weeks. We talk about:

  • Her recovery plan
  • The bear incident in West Virginia
  • Why she prioritizes sleep and sleep hygiene 
  • Training for mountain races
  • How she plans to beat her competition
  • Sex before races and for better sleep
  • and more! 

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 200: Ryan Kent Recaps Spartan West Virginia and Training for Tahoe WC

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In this episode Mo and Miles chat with our friend and Spartan Pro team member Ryan Kent. Ryan talks about what went well and what went not so well for him during the recent Spartan U.S. Championships in West Virginia.

We also talk about technique for the 400lb tire flip, behind the neck bucket carry, and get into his preparation for Spartan World Championships in Tahoe. 

Always a great guest, Ryan delivers a great show for you!

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 199: Racing Through Discomfort, Pain, & Why You Need a Sense of Desperation when Racing with Nicholas Ryker

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In this episode Mo and Miles chat with up and coming Spartan Elite Nicholas Ryker. Don’t know this young man?? Well, you soon will because he is making big waves in the elite division and is JUST getting started in OCR… Literally…. 

Although only 23 years old Nicholas has, and shares, wisdom about racing, training and mindset. A few of the key topics we discuss are:

  • If you want to win, podium, or do YOUR best why you need to race with desperation
  • 15 minutes of discomfort for a lifetime of success
  • How he races through the pain and discomfort of dislocated ribs
  • Do you really need to be skinny and lose most of your muscle to do well in OCR?
  • and more!! Again, this young man is wealth of knowledge

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 198: Corrina Coffin Talks CrossFit, OCR, and More

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In this episode Mo and Miles sit down with TMX Champion, CrossFit Games Team athlete, and Spartan Pro Corrina Coffin to discuss:

  • How being raised on a horse farm with daily responsibilities helped mold her work ethic today 
  • How CrossFit training blends well with OCR racing
  • Can you be on the podium at both Stadium and Mountain series Spartan races
  • If she had to pick between CrossFit and OCR which one would she choose and why
  • Female athletes coming back stronger after having babies
  • Training without gadgets
  • and a lot more!!

This was an incredible conversation and we are excited for our next interview with Corrina!!! In the meantime, CLICK HERE to listen to this episode or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 197: Spartan Death Race Recap with 2x Finisher Ronald Tortola

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In this episode Mo and Miles sit down with 2x Spartan Death Race finisher Ronald Tortola to discuss and review this year’s event. Ronald gives us great insight on what it takes mentally and physically to complete such a physically and mentally grueling event! 

We cover:

  • The inner growth that happens
  • Rucking for 16hrs straight
  • Team work
  • Getting back into the race if you get DQ’d
  • The mental side of the Death Race
  • The importance of choosing the right pack/ruck
  • How the Death Race will make you better at life
  • and more!

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 196: Your Needs Vs. Your Wants

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In this episode Mo sits down with OCR client and University of Texas MBA student Shan Khan to discuss our needs vs. our wants in both sport and life. Both Mo and Shan are currently working through injuries that have sidelined their OCR racing and they have a good perspective on how you can, and need, to assess and shift your needs and wants. 

  • Do you NEED to train or do you WANT to train?
  • How often, if ever, do you assess your wants and your needs?
  • Do you have the mindset to be able to instantly shift/adjust your wants and needs? 

This is an awesome episode that will help direct you and give you clarity on your daily, weekly, monthly priorities in sport and life.

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 195: Air Force Ken Goes DEEP into Mindset, Racing, Taking Ownership, & YOLO

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Force Ken” dives DEEP into the well on a lot of important topics not just for OCR but for life. We also have some fun talking about his experience on Beastmaster. 

We Cover:

  • Taking ownership of your actions and words
  • Masculinity vs. vulnerablilty
  • Why its critical to be kind vs. being right
  • How to live each day like it’s your last
  • How/why swimming is important for all athetes
  • How he has overcome devastating injury to still race at the highest level
  • His experience on the show Beastmaster 
  • Beating Woodsy & Yuri
  • Conquer the Gauntlet, Savage Race, and more!

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 191: Improve Your Recovery with Aku

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In this episode Mo chats with Paul De Jersey, the co-owner of Aku. Aku, short for Acupressure, is a company that has produced a mat that you can lay or stand on, along with a ball for smaller areas like shoulders and arms. The mat and ball are made from specific metals designed to increase circulation, release tight areas, decrease pain, speed recovery from hard workouts, and sleep better.

This is a GREAT tool for any athlete wanting to perform at their best, improve recovery, and reduce stiffness and injury risk. We had an awesome conversation and we are excited to share it with you.

Check them out a www.akuspike.com and use the code PALEO for 15% off your order

Follow on IG: @akuspike & @dejerz

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 190: Savage Race, Race Officials, Surgery, Listener Q&A

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In this episode Mo and Miles dive into listener questions on:

  • Race nutrition for long 8-24hr endurance races
  • Fasted workouts
  • Should you care about counting macros
  • Why you’re probably not losing weight
  • How to train and taper for and in between races

We also talk about

  • How OCR can hire legit race officials (in Mo’s opinion)
  • Savage Race Central Texas
  • Mo’s upcoming surgery & his recovery plan
  • How you can run a sub 3hr marathon at 70 years old
  • Mile’s creepy stare to get the ladies
  • The word “specificity”…. 
  • and the “mud”ivator 🙂

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts!!