
linkendurance Archives - Link Endurance

Episode 172: Training & Nutrition Tips for Beast/Ultra-Beast and How to go into the Off-Season

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In this episode Mo, Miles, & Vic answer listener training, hydration, & nutrition questions for the upcoming Dallas Beast & Ulta-Beast. Even if you’re not racing the Dallas B/UB we provide great advice and tips to help you prepare for any B/UB you will do in the future.

We also quickly dive into how you should be training this off-season to make 2019 your strongest season yet!

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts!

The books Coach Mo reference about mindset
Elite Minds by Dr. Stan Beecham & Peak Performance by Brad Stulberg, Steve Magness

Health Episodes #15: Protein 101

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In our final episode on the macronutrients, Alix and Mo talk about:

  • The importance of eating protein
  • The importance of quality
  • How to consume before early morning sessions
  • How to use supplements
  • and how Mo is using protein to make his biceps Huge! 🙂

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes or Stitcher

Episode 168: From not being able to get over a Spartan Race wall to winning Spartan Elite Races & Toughest Mudders with Rachel Hamrick

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THIS episode is FIRE!! Seriously, our guest Rachel Hamrick has one hell of a story to tell. From gaining over 80lbs & suffering depression as a single mother of 3 girls, to her first Spartan race and not being able to get over any of the walls, failing all the monkey bars, & maxing out at a 12 minute mile run pace, to WINNING Spartan Elite Women’s races and running 6 minute miles!

We also have fun talking about how she grew up in, and exactly what is, a “holler”. She tells us about the ONE 7th grade student who’s dog legitimately DID eat his homework, and why she would bring a rope with her on a desert island (besides taming a leopard) 🙂

This show is incredibly inspiring and Rachel is seriously and amazing woman who proves that with the right daily mindset and taking time for yourself, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. You’re going to want to share this with someone that needs a little motivation


CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes or Stitcher

Foods to Eat/Foods to Avoid

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At LINK Endurance we coach holistic nutrition… This means that we advise a client on what they should eat AFTER we have considered their work-life, home-life, athlete-life, training-level, stress level, relationship with food, etc.

Hence: “LINK” Endurance – we believe strongly that a person is only as strong as their weakest link. We don’t ever want to give a plan to a client that might seem like an “ideal” plan but one that the client cannot realize due to a link in their chain being too weak to see it through. At this point, an “ideal” plan becomes a “bad” plan for this person. This isn’t a bad thing, by the way. We ALL have weak links… Yes, even Mo and I – though we know some of you might beg to differ. Come move in for a day. You’ll see that we’re humans too. 🙂

One of the links we come across most often that people need help with is the food they keep in their home. It is important to realize that if you don’t buy something, you can’t eat it and vice versa of course.

So I’ve put together a list of foods that we encourage clients to eat 80-90% of the time in any way, shape or form! These are the foods that you want to keep in your home… That you eat day in and day out, week after week.

On the flip side – there is a list we’ve put together that we encourage clients to eat only 10% of the time. These would be “Foods to Avoid.” These are the foods that we strongly encourage clients not to buy and bring into their homes. More often than not, if a food is available to you in your home, you will eat it eventually.

From what we’ve heard, most people we come into contact with think that Mo and I have some form of “superhero” cape on at all times and we never have temptations or, if we do, we don’t give in. Let me clear this up: this is FAR from the truth. We DO have certain foods that tempt us and we’ve both learned that when we make those foods part of our daily or weekly lives, we really don’t feel good for doing so. Namely, tortilla chips and salsa for Alix and Snickers bars for Mo. So, we don’t buy these things. We don’t keep these things in our home. But, we go out for Tex-Mex every now and then and enjoy ourselves! Or, one of Mo’s favorite treats is a Snickers the day before or after a race! But 90% of the time, we eat the foods listed in the “Foods to Eat” list below.

Let’s do a little math, shall we?

  • If you eat 3 Meals per Day + 1 Snack per Day, that = 28 times per week that you eat – give or take…
  • So, if we’re shooting for 80-90% of those meals to be made up entirely of “Foods to Eat” then that means that approx. 24-26 of those meals/snacks are within that list.
  • Conversely, 2-4 of those meals/snacks could be made up of “Foods to Avoid” in some capacity.

I hope this shifts your perspective a bit about your nutrition and how it doesn’t have to be a grind day in and day out. We’ve found that when we take the decision-making at every meal out of the equation, people eat much cleaner, much more often. But when you don’t really have a path to stick to and every meal creates a point of decision-making, it’s much easier to give into temptation. I like to call this behavior: “Pre-Made Decision Making.” If you stick to the list of “Foods to Eat” when you grocery shop, cook meals, eat out, etc. it takes a huge amount of the decision-making process out of the equation and allows you to use that brain energy for other good and you’ll also feel a hell of a lot better!

Side note: if you’re trying to lose weight, we encourage sticking to the “Foods to Eat” list 90-95% of the time (or 1-2 meals/snacks per week). If you’re trying to maintain weight, we suggest sticking to the “Foods to Eat” list 80-90% of the time (or 2-4 meals/snacks per week).

We really like to break it up this way (see below) – and this takes the guess work out of it for us and creates pre-made decision making week in and week out + consistency, which is KEY for a healthy lifestyle:

  • Monday – Thursday: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are “Foods to Eat”
  • Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Breakfast and Lunch are “Foods to Eat”
  • One Day of the Weekend (Friday, Saturday or Sunday): Dinner is “Foods to Eat”
  • Two Days of the Weekend (Friday, Saturday or Sunday): Dinner involves some form of “Foods to Avoid” – i.e. Sweet Potato Fries or Tortilla Chips or we might have dessert, etc.
  • But please note: when we choose to eat “Foods to Avoid” we eat them in moderation – meaning, we do not (or we try our best not to) over-eat – we keep portions under wraps and push back from the table satisfied vs overly full.

The list of Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid is below or you can click the link below to download the list and print for your daily use! Please note that the columns for each list are side by side – so the Foods to Avod

Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid



(i.e. you keep your kitchen stocked with these foods – 98% of your intake comes from these foods…):

  • Vegetables: 1-3 “handfuls” at every meal…
    • Any color, any kind – especially dark leafy greens…
    • Organic when possible*
  • Anti-Inflammatory Fats: 1-2 servings approx. the size of your thumb finger (“thumb-sized”) at every meal…
    • Unsweetened Coconut
    • Avocados
    • Nuts* (any kind except peanuts)
    • Seeds*
    • Olives
    • Hummus
    • Ground Chia Seeds
    • Ground Flax Seeds
    • Avocado Oil
    • Olive Oil
    • Coconut Oil
    • Grass Fed Better
    • Ghee (Clarified) Butter
    • Avocado Oil Cooking Spray
    • Coconut Oil Cooking Spray
  • High Quality Proteins: 1-2 “palm-sized’ portions at every meal…
    • Grass Fed/Finished Beef
    • Grass Fed/Finished Bison
    • Wild Caught Fish
    • Cage Free Eggs
    • Free Range Chicken
    • Pastured Pork/Bacon
    • “House Roasted” Deli Meats or Diestal/Applegate Organics brands only…
  • High Quality Carbohydrates: 1 “fistful” at 2 meals per day…
    • Potatoes (any kind, any color)
    • Fruit (no more than 1-2 pieces per day…)
    • Siete Almond/Coconut Flour Tortillas
    • Beans of any kind
    • Lentils
    • Jasmine or Basmati White Rice*
    • Wild Rice*
    • Quinoa*
    • Millet*
    • Teff*
    • Fruit (no more than 1-2 pieces per day…)
    • Ezekiel/Food for Life Sprouted Bread/Tortillas
  • High Quality Dairy: Milk/Yogurt – approx. 1 cup, 2-3x per week; Cheese – 1 “thumb-sized” serving at 1 meal per day…
    • Raw/Unpasteurized Cheese*
    • Low Pasteurized/Low Homogenized Milk
    • Organic and Grass Fed at the least…
    • 2% or Higher in Fat
    • Organic Goat or Feta Cheese
  • Alternative Flours and Sweeteners: use in moderation – no more than 1-2 tsp of the sweeteners per day…
    • Almond Flour
    • Coconut Flour
    • Cassava Flour
    • Tapioca Starch
    • Raw/Local Honey
    • Molasses
    • Coconut Sugar
    • Monk Fruit Sweetener
    • Stevia/Truvia
  • Alternative Milks:
    • Canned Coconut Milk (light or full fat)
    • Any Nut Milk in a carton that does NOT contain carrageenan or Vitamin D2
  • Condiments: use as needed – please note that the Avocado Oil Mayo and Dressings do also count as an “anti-inflammatory fat” – so 1-2 thumb-sized portions at each meal…
    • Red Duck brand BBQ Sauces (any flavor)
    • Annie’s brand Ketchup
    • Annie’s brand Mustards – any kind: Yellow, Dijon, Grain, etc.
    • Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil brand Mayo
    • Primal Kitchen brand Bottled Dressings
    • Homemade Dressing:
    • Mix of Olive Oil, Avocado Oil or Primal Kitchen Mayo + Vinegar (balsamic, apple cider, white wine, red wine, rice vinegar, etc.) + Sea Salt and Pepper + pinch of Cayenne Pepper + pinch of any dried herbs you like…
  • Notes:
    • Whether buying organic or non-organic vegetables, always wash well with a 1:1 ratio of apple cider vinegar and filtered water…
    • Try to find “sprouted” nuts and seeds as often as possible…
    • When cooking any type of grain (rice, quinoa, etc.) that has not been “sprouted” or “germinated” always rinse well before cooking – and if possible soak in water for 30 minutes, up to overnight and rinse well, prior to cooking…
    • When buying cheese/dairy, it will denote on the label if it is raw/unpasteurized…



(i.e. you do not keep them in your house or have them more than 1x every 1-2 weeks…):

  • Refined Carbohydrates/Sugar:
    • Granulated Sugar
    • High Fructose Corn Syrup
    • Corn Syrup
    • White/Wheat Flour
    • Bread, Cookies, Cakes, Crackers, Snack Bars, etc. made with White/Wheat Flour
    • Boxed Cereals
    • Corn Chips*
    • Pasta*
  • Hydrogenated and Partially Hydrogenated Oils:
    • Canola Oil
    • Vegetable Oil
    • Soybean Oil
    • Safflower Oil
    • Margarine
    • Low Calorie Butter Sprays
  • Artificial Sweeteners:
    • Aspartame
    • Phenylalanine
    • Splenda (otherwise called Sucralose)
    • Equal
    • Sweet-n-Low
    • Nutrisweet
    • Diet Drinks
  • Poor Quality Animal Protein:
    • Grain/Corn Fed Beef
    • Farm Raised Fish
    • Caged Chicken
  • MSG: (monosodiumglutamate)
    • Seasonings
    • Marinades
    • Bottled Dressings
    • Chips
  • GMO’s: (genetically modified)
    • All foods containing corn, unless noted on the package: “Non-GMO Verified”
  • Alcohol and Mixers: (women, no more than 2 drinks per week… men, no more than 4 drinks per week, if trying to lose weight…)
    • Beer of any kind
    • Rum
    • Tonic
    • Juice of any kind, except fresh squeezed lemon or lime…
  • Notes:
    • Great/Foods to Eat Substitutes for Chips are the following brands:
      • The Raw Coconut
      • Siete
      • Jackson’s Honest
      • Beanitos
      • Way Better
      • Any chip that is made with coconut oil or avocado oil, non-gmo corn, sprouted grains or potatoes and salt are good in our book!
    • Our favorite substitute for pasta is Vegetable Noodles of any kind. Or, try to find a quinoa pasta or spinach-based pasta…




How to Build a Bombproof Back

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Nothing can stop you dead in your tracks like back pain, and in my 23 years of training I’ve had plenty of athletes come to me with what they thought to be bad backs.  The reality is, they were simply imbalanced in key muscle groups and their back was taking the brunt of the imbalances.  The imbalanced muscles I am referring to are the core complex and the glutes.


To bombproof your back you need to build a strong foundation, and by “foundation” I mean core. The muscles of your core include the abdominals, obliques, transverse abdominus “TVA”, pelvic floor muscles, and several others. They each serve a common purpose, and that purpose is to support and stabilize your spine.  The most effective way to build strength in this “core” group of muscles, that I have found, is by incorporating 3 basic movements, or rather anti-movements.


The Plank:

Holding yourself in the plank position with your shoulders over your elbows, glutes, shoulders, and head all at the same level, and breathing through your diaphragm is hands down the best movement you can do to build a strong core to support your back during any activity.  This movement can be done daily.  I recommend starting with 3 sets of as long as you can hold without beginning to shake or feel any discomfort in your back. Feeling any discomfort in the muscles of your low back while planking is your body signaling you that your abdominal core complex can no longer support you in that position.  That is your signal to stop the set.

Pro Tip:

Focus on keeping a relaxed diaphragmatic breath during the plank and by no means hold your breath. You don’t hold your breath while performing your sport so don’t do it here. Also, engage or “squeeze” your glutes for 5 seconds on, 5 seconds off during each set.


Side Plank:

Same concept as the plank with the exception that you are on your side with feet stacked on top of one another.  You will notice after the first time doing this movement that one side may be harder than the other.  That is very common, as we tend to favor our dominant side, right hand/left hand, during sport, therefore creating an otherwise unseen imbalance.

Pro Tip:

Start each side plank on the weaker/non-dominant side. It will take more energy to hold the weaker side in the proper position, so use your energy for that side first.


Anti-Rotation “Pot Stir”:

Sport requires movement of the body while maintaining integrity throughout your core to stabilize/protect your back.  The Pot Stir movement can be done with a resistance band, or cable, and can be performed at multiple angles to challenge and build a strong core. Standing perpendicular to the resistance with feet no wider than shoulder width apart, move the band/cable in a circular motion, as if you were stirring a large pot.  Stay with your relaxed diaphragmatic breathing just as with the plank and side plank. I recommend 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions per side.

Pro Tip:

Challenge your core by bringing your feet closer together. The closer they are, the harder your core works to stabilize.  Also, be sure to squeeze the glutes tight during each “stir” rotation.


Build your butt… When your glute complex (Glute Maximus, Minimus, Medius) are not functioning properly, and you squat, lunge, step, etc. the muscles of your back take on that responsibility and can cause significant discomfort and pain.  Use this movement to build strength in your glutes that will take the stress off of your back.


Glute Bridge:

Lying on your back with our palms by your sides facing up, tuck the heels of your feet closely to your glutes. Engage or “squeeze” your glutes and drive through your heels. This will elevate your hips into the air into a “bridge” position. Hold for 2-3 seconds at the top and then slowly lower your hips back to the ground.  As soon as your glutes make contact with the ground re-engage and repeat for 10-12 repetitions.  Do 3 sets of this movement.

Pro Tip:

Once you can easily complete 3 sets of 12 repetitions, advance to a single leg glute bridge by extending one knee and bridging with a single side at a time for 10-12 reps. If you feel any discomfort in your back with bridging, simply lower your hips until the discomfort goes away.  That discomfort means you are bridging too high at the moment,therefore using your back muscles and you don’t want that J.


Each of the above movements should be performed daily, or at a minimum 4 times a week, as part of your active warm-up prior to training or during active recovery days. Make these movements a part of your daily activity, just as you put your pants on before leaving the house, hopefully, and you are well on your way to building a solid foundation for a bombproof back.

Episode 167: Evan Perperis Recounts 48hrs of Endure the Gauntlet

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In this episode Miles and I sit down with Conquer the Gauntlet Pro Team Member Evan Perperis as he talks about his recent 48hr “Endure the Gauntlet” OCR event to raise money for Folds of Honor.  Evan talks us through his race and we discuss:

  • The mission behind the event
  • How he handled hands being ripped to shreds early on
  • His nutrition/hydration strategy for a hot 48hr event
  • How he handled overheating
  • The critical importance of support/pacers
  • A strong mental game plan
  • and tips for anyone training for an ultra-endurance OCR race

This was a great episode that shows us that we ARE stronger than we think we are, and when the seeds of doubt begin to grow, how having a strong support team and strong mindset is crucial to your success. You ARE capable of the “impossible”

To support our heroes families visit www.foldsofhonor.org

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Health Episodes #14: Fats 101

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Following up from our last Health Episode “Carbs 101”, Alix and I break down fats for you in this show. We talk about:

  • When to eat fats during normal days, training, & racing
  • When to avoid fats during normal days, training, & racing
  • Why to limit fats during times of stress
  • When to eat fats for women’s monthly “visitor”
  • Types of fats and the corresponding foods
  • and bicep curls 🙂

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes or Stitcher!  AND share with anyone that could benefit from our information 🙂

Episode 166: Rebecca Hammond Talks Spartan West Virginia, Med School, and More

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In this episode Mo and Miles catch up with Rebecca Hammond after her 2nd place finish amongst a STACKED field of pro women at the recent Spartan Race West Virginia North American Championships.  We talk about:

  • Her race recap
  • How she balances OCR training with a tedious med school schedule
  • How she uses the Whoop Recovery strap to dictate daily training & training intensity
  • Her training on only 4-5 45-60 minute runs per week
  • and more!!

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes or Stitcher!

Health Episodes #13: Carbs 101

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Are carbs bad? Are carbs good? When should I eat them? When should I limit them? What if I eat too many? What if I eat too few? What if I am trying to get pregnant?  If you have asked yourself one or more of these questions, Alix and Mo breakdown the basics of carbohydrate consumption. OH and we hope you enjoy the bonus songs by Alix 🙂


CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes or Stitcher and please share with anyone who might benefit from this information.

Episode 165: Coach Mo Recaps NORAM Championships

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Coach Mo recaps last week’s NORAM championships and give some insight, tips, and suggestions on how to better approach grip obstacles and improve your chance of keeping your band, but not before being  serenaded by Miles Keller as Vic slurps down a massive bowl of Pho….


CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes or Stitcher

Here are a couple of the videos from Urban Sky and the Force 5 rig Coach Mo talked about in the show

Urban Sky

Force 5