
eatrealandmove Archives - Link Endurance

Happy Thanksgiving from LINK Endurance!

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Hi! Alix and Mo here! We want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and share how thankful we are for each one of YOU! We cannot begin to express the JOY that each of you brings to us – YOU allow us to wake up and do what we love – what FEEDS us – every day! Thank you for trusting us and allowing us the opportunity to be a part of your lives in some capacity!

Our goal when we started LINK Endurance remains the same today — to empower as many people as we can reach to take pride in what you put into your body and consider yourself as a WHOLE being – mind, body and heart. When you have all of  these “links in your chain” working together – you will be your best self. Our goal is to encourage you along the way and offer as much education as we can so that you know HOW to live this best life you have inside of you!

We posted this Facebook LIVE last week – for those that missed it or need the pep-talk prior to your Thanksgiving meal/time with your family, check it out here.

We wish all of you a very happy and peaceful Thanksgiving!

Stay tuned for all the best info on how to PERFORM, EAT and THINK at your optimal level!

Episode 66: The Healing Benefits of BEEF Protein, Interview with PureWOD Beef Protein Powder CEO/Founder Dr. Anthony Gustin

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In this episode I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Anthony Gustin, Founder/CEO of PureWOD Beef Protein. Now before you think this sounds too “CrossFitty” let me assure you, Dr. Gustin has put together a top of the line GREAT tasting product that is beneficial for EVERYONE. So regardless if you’re a competitive athlete or just wanting to lose weight and/or be healthy, you will learn that not all proteins are created equally, and that Dr. Gustin has spared not expense to be sure you get the purest, high quality ingredients with not additives or fillers. You’ll learn how not only is beef protein beneficial in repairing muscle tissue, but how it greatly assists in repairs cartilage, joints, and most importantly… Your gut!

Disclaimer… I had a “technical malfunction” and the first 5 minutes of this episode may sound a bit muffled, but I adjusted so you can hear just fine! CLICK HERE listen of download on iTunes for later.

Show Notes:
Use the code “Mo10” at www.purewod.com for $10 off your first order!

Mo’s Chocolate Super Smoothie Surprise Recipe:
– 1 scoop PureWOD Chocolate Beef Protein
– 1/2 avocado
– 1-2Tbps Paleo cinnamon nut butter
– 8oz Native Forest Light Coconut Milk
– 8oz water
– Pinch Sea Salt
– 1 scoop Maca Root
Blend and grow strong!

Dumbbell Burpee

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Yep.. You read that right… Dumbbell Burpee… No other movement, to my knowledge, sends a shutter down your spine like the burpee. But just like fresh veggies to a toddler, it’s probably one of the best moves you can do for mobility and total body strength.
Seriously though, I love incorporating the burpee anytime I can into a clients plan especially when they are short on time for training. No other movement incorporates literally every muscle in your body. The addition on dumbbells will add additional load for the squat/press portion as well as increased depth through your shoulders/chest during the eccentric phase of the push.
As with any new movement or movement where load/weight is added, begin with small dumbbells and move up as you gain strength. I suggest 2-3 sets of 8-10 repetitions. Take a look and let me know how you do!

Traveling Lunge with Twist

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Here is one of my favorite movements for improving hip mobility and creating glute strength/firing patterns. Couple key notes on this move:
1- Exhale as you twist your trunk. Holding your breath will only exacerbate tightness
2- Don’t rush the twist. Take you time and let your breathing dictate your tempo
3- Be sure to pull from your heal as you stand for glute engagement and to take the stress off your quadriceps

This movement can be done with no weight as part of a dynamic warm up, or with weight as part of your strength plan. Don’t have a lot of room for the “traveling” part? Not a problem, simply step back into a reverse lunge instead of stepping forward. Then you can do it anywhere.

CLICK HERE for the video

Episode 62: Why Even Chicken Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken

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Have you ever wondered why even when you eat healthy foods you can sometimes never quiet get enough and end up overeating? Or what’s the deal with “natural flavors”??? Find out the answers to these questions plus learn why chicken really doesn’t taste like chicken as I review the book The Dorito Effect. Click here to listen or download from iTunes for later.

To dive deeper in to this topic grab The Dorito Effect at www.audible.com. Also available in Kindle version.

Episode 61: 9 Factors that Make You Eat More

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In this episode I am back co-hosting the Train Station Fitness show on 96.7fm the Ticket with my good friends George Digianni and Dr. Jeremy Webster. On this show we are discussing 9 behaviors/habits/factors that cause us to eat more. In this episode you will learn how hormones, social settings, and even boredom can, and often will, cause you to unconsciously eat more. Take a listen and then I encourage you to “take inventory” of your own behaviors that cause you to eat when you really aren’t hungry. Click here to listen or download on iTunes.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below.

Episode 60: Creating a Realistic Holiday Health & Nutrition Plan

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More than “not getting caught unprepared” for the holidays, in this episode you will learn ways to create a realistic plan of action this holiday season. Don’t strive for weight loss goals or thinking that you “fell off the wagon” due to a one time indulgence. Learn the strategies to have fun, stay healthy, and give yourself a little grace this holiday season.

In this episode myself and Dr. Jeremy Webster co-host with my good friend George Digianni on The Train Station Fitness Show and interview Dr. Tim Church. Dr. Church is one of the countries leading experts and researchers on exercise and weight loss. This was an amazing show that I know you will learn from! To listen click here

Episode 59: Why a Virtual Coach May be Better than a Trainer

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“Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime”.
Are you one of those individuals that show up to a personal training session and goes through the exercises mindlessly, simply doing what the trainer says to do?
If you had to train yourself could you?
Could you motivate yourself to work hard when your trainer is sick or out of town?
Have you learned to make a healthy recipe for yourself or your spouse/family lately?
Do you have the mental strength to avoid certain junk foods or to push yourself through a hard workout?

In this episode, I teach you how hiring a virtual coach may be your best option for conquering the above questions. And if long term success in fitness, nutrition and life are your goal….. I will teach you how to fish…

CLICK HERE to listen, or download on iTunes for later.

I would love to hear your feedback from this episode! If you have any questions or comments please leave them below.

Episode 58: Breaking Through the “I Can’t” Mindset

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Have you ever thought about doing an endurance race like Ironman, Marathon, Spartan Beast, etc., but thought “I could NEVER do that”? Or are you in the beginning/middle of your endurance race training plan but concerned if your training correctly or focused on thinking it’s still impossible? Today I will give you 7 key strategies to break through your “I can’t” mindset and turn it into an “I CAN and I WILL”. Click here to listen now or download on iTunes for later.

1- A Positive Realistic Mindset:
Training for an endurance race of any type first requires that you be in the right mental state.
– Work with a coach that will support and guide you through your mental hurdles as much as your physical demands.
– Extreme makeover weight loss Edition/ Biggest Loser
– woman runs 5k & hadn’t ran more than 400m
– running ½, full marathons, lifting, etc

– Understand when your body is tired & you need rest
– Understand times when you need to suck it up and push through
– long rides/runs
– carrying heavy loads “If you can take it you can make it”
– Have a mantra
– “I cannot be broken”, “I am unstoppable”
– Be realistic in your goals, don’t expect to break records on your first or even 2nd, 3rd go at it

– Building mental strength in sport can carry over into your everyday life
– long work hours
– sleepless nights bc of kids, work, stress (think of Special Forces training)

2- Stop Overthinking:
– Our tendency is to think negatively as soon as we are approached with a challenge
– how is this possible?
– This is going to take forever!
– We worry about what we can’t control instead of mastering what we can control
– What if it rains, if it’s too cold, too hot
– Instead, plan for these events and create a solution in your mind, even in writing
– rehearse your problem solutions as part of daily meditation
– While riding your bike, go over procedures for changing a flat
– While running create an anti-cramp solution

– realize that you will have bad days
– some workouts are designed for you to fail
– Some weeks will be harder than others
– climate changes will effect your speed/pace
– STOP comparing yourself to pros/faster AG athletes

4- Have a Realistic training plan for where you are in your life right now:
– just start a new job or have a child? Now may not be the time to take on IM training
– pick the right race for your strengths and goals
– stay within YOUR abilities
– learn to train alone, without music

5- Stop listening to Music when you train:
– we listen to music for motivation or to postpone boredom
– You need to develop then mental strength & focus to train w/o extra stimuli
– listen to your body run rhythm
– listen to your pedal cadence
– go through your mental checklists

6- Have a solid nutrition plan:
– You’re about to beat the hell out of your body. You will need the right nutrients to recover/rebuild

7- Incorporate Mobility & Strength Training:
– training for endurance sports such as Tri/cycling/marathon develop Asymmetries & imbalances in musculature that can cause joint/tendon pain.

Episode 57: Hydration & Nutrition Strategies for Summer Youth Athletes

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In this episode I help you with ways to help your young athletes prevent cramps, dehydration, and over hydration during hot summer sports. To listen click here or download from iTunes for later

Electrolytes I referred to NUUN

– you pee every hour and it’s clear
– you barely pee during the day and it’s dark orange

Test Your Sweat Rate:
The Test
1) Weigh yourself nude right before a run.
2) Run at race pace for one hour, keeping track of how much you drink (in ounces) during the run.
3) After the run, strip down, towel off any sweat, and weigh yourself nude again.
4) Subtract your weight from your pre-run weight and convert to ounces. Then add to that number however many ounces of liquid you consumed on your run. (For example, if you lost a pound and drank 16 ounces of fluid, your total fluid loss is 32 ounces.)
5) To determine how much you should be drinking about every 15 minutes, divide your hourly fluid loss by 4 (in the above example it would be 8 ounces).
6) Because the test only determines your sweat losses for the environmental conditions you run in that day, you should retest on another day when conditions are different to see how your sweat rate is affected. You should also redo the test during different seasons, in different environments (such as higher or lower altitudes), and as you become faster, since pace also affects your sweat rate.

I would love to hear your feedback! Leave any questions or comments below 🙂