We will focus on all things OCR: Grip Strength/Endurance, Pull Strength/Endurance, Rope Climb, Multi-Rig, Spear Throw, Wall Climbs, Running/Run Mechanics, Balance/Core Strength. Check the Link Endurance Facebook Page for weekly updates on time and location.

OCR Base Plan $150/Monthly
Base training plan designed to get any athlete safely through any race – whether it’s your first race or 20th. Training plan created using Training Peaks Software, weekly email support, one-time food log review and suggestions for nutrition based on your specific goal(s).

OCR Custom Plan $250/Monthly
Custom training plan based on clients needs and goals, created using Training Peaks Software. Plan includes: 1 weekly phone call, text message, email support, and nutrition/food log review, all as needed, and training stress and nervous system monitoring using HRV (Heart Rate Variability).

OCR Premium Plan $499/Monthly
Custom training plan based on clients needs and goals using Training Peaks Software, phone text message and email support, as needed, training stress and nervous system monitoring using HRV (Heart Rate Variability), and bi-weekly (2x per month) meal plan, based on clients needs and goals.


1hr In Person Training Session: $100
30 Minute In Person Training Session: $60
1hr Nutrition Consult (phone or in person): $100
30 Minute Nutrition Consult (phone or in person): $60
1hr Race and/or Training Consult (phone or in person): $100
30 Minute Race and/or Training Consult (phone or in person): $60


Triathlon Base Plan $300.00/Monthly
Base training plan designed to get any athlete safely through any race – whether it’s your first race or your 20th. Training plan created using Training Peaks Software, weekly email support, as needed and one-time food log review with suggestions for your nutrition based on your goal(s).

Triathlon Base Plan $350.00/Monthly
Custom training plan based on clients needs & goals created with Training Peaks Software, 1-2 weekly phone calls, unlimited text message & email support with coach as needed, nutrition/food log review, as needed and training stress and nervous system monitoring using HRV (Heart Rate Variability).

Triathlon Base Plan $500.00/Monthly
Custom training plan based on clients needs & goals created with Training Peaks Software, phone, text message and email support, as needed, training stress and nervous system monitoring using HRV (Heart Rate Variability), bi-weekly (2x per month) meal plan, based on clients needs and goals.