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Episode 223: Mental Health and Resilience for Endurance Athletes

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May is mental health awareness month, and in this episode, Mo and Miles talk about the importance of creating mental resilience and strength during this uncertain time.

We give you strategies and tips as an endurance athlete to keep your stress, worry and anxieties low and your confidence and performance high.

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Episode 222: Getting Back to the Gym, The Science of Being Kind, Prioritizing Mobility, & I.F.

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In this episode Mo and Miles discuss:

  • What it may look like when we start going back to the gym
  • The importance of being patient, kind, and nonjudgmental of other athletes/people
  • The science of how being kind actually reduces inflammation & enhances immune function
  • The importance of a solid mobility practice
  • Miles FINALLY listens to Mo’s nutrition advice and is giving intermittent fasting a try

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 221: Get Motivated to Crush Your Training and Life with Boomerang Champion, ANW Competitor & Spartan Pro Logan Broadbent

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In this episode Mo & Miles sit down with 4-time American Ninja Warrior competitor, National Boomerang Champion, Spartan Pro Team member and one hell of a great dude Logan Broadbent! Logan has an incredible story that will motivate you and show that YOU control your outcome and that you are NOT defined by your circumstance/surroundings. 

We discuss:

  • How Logan overcame a tough childhood of poverty and mental abuse from a step parent by turning his focus to sports and self-improvement
  • How he got into boomerang competitions and the challenges, science, and patience that goes with learning all the skills/tricks
  • How he found Spartan Race and his goals for climbing the top 10 pro ladder
  • How he uses family to stay mentally strong and motivated
  • and more! 

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts!

Check out Logan’s Boomerang Trick shot video from Dude Sweet that has over 3 million views HERE!!

Episode 220: The Perfect Meditation for Endurance Athletes with Best Selling Author & Master of Four Samurai Arts Richard Haight

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In this episode Mo chats with best selling author of “The Unbound Soul” & “Inspirience” about his latest book The Warriors Meditation. 

Richard has studied Martial and Samurai Arts since the age of 12 and meditation since the age of 16. This meditation process is all about being in the present moment, focused, ready and relaxed WHILE MOVING. Best of all, it only takes a few seconds to get tapped in and fully aware. This meditation process is called TEM (Total Embodiment Meditation)

Although we aren’t wielding swords at each other, the need to be fully present and fully aware of our surroundings is key for every OCR athlete, triathlete, & ultra-runner’s success in training and racing. 

Richard shares with us exactly how to do this and at 32 minutes into the show will take you through a TEM meditation session. I challenge you to listen and do this on your next run, training session, walk, house chores, or whenever you become anxious, worried or stressed. I use this technique with incredible success with my adaptive athletes and clients to help bring them back to the present moment and calm in an instant.

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 219: Top 3 Bike Workouts to Build Run Power for OCR, The ONE Strength Move You Need to be Doing and More

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In this episode Mo and Miles sit down with former pro triathlete and NEW member to the Spartan Pro Team Derek Yorek and discuss:

  • His background as a pro triathlete
  • How he used CrossFit as part of his triathlon success
  • How he still utilizes CrossFit for OCR
  • Derek & Mo’s top 3 bike workouts to help build power and strength in your run
  • The ONE strength move EVERYONE needs to learn and be proficient in
  • and more!

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 218: OCR Elite Master Charles “Jazz” Vassallo Talks COVID-19 in NYC,Making Kettle bells out of Sandbags & Nutrition Tips for Immune Function

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In this episode Mo and Miles sit down with elite OCR Master athlete Charles “Jazz” Vassallo. Jazz hails from Brooklyn, NY and is in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We talk about :

  • Getting furloughed from his training job due to COVID-19
  • Getting creative making “kettle bells” out of sandbags, PVC pipe and a bag of rocks
  • Building your immune system with specific foods
  • Intermittent fasting
  • and more!

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 216: Alyssa Hawley Talks About Her Gym, Training for Hyrox, Spartan Worlds, & Binge TV

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In this episode Mo and Miles catch up with Alyssa Hawley and chat about:

  • How she is is handling her gym & client during the quarantine
  • How training for Hyrox has made her stronger in life
  • Where her focus will be WHEN Spartan race starts back
  • Racing in Dubai
  • Her favorite tv binge series 🙂

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 215: Peeing in the Shower, Needs vs. Wants, Creative Workouts, & Coming Together During Crisis

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Yep you read that right… We kick this episode off in the midst of a global pandemic with talking about whether you should or shouldn’t pee in the shower.. Welcome to Link Endurance :-)… 

After that jovial banter we get real and talk about where our priorities not simply as athletes, but at humans should be right now. We talk about identifying your needs vs. your wants, prioritizing your health first, getting creative with at-home workouts, and the unique opportunity we have right now as a collective group to become the “mood directors” of our environment to create a positive lasting change in the people and world around us. 

Don’t worry about OCR. It WILL be back!!! Stay positive, focus on your priorities, your health and your family, and keep training!

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 214: Divorce, DEKAFIT, Crossfit, & Building a Champion’s Mindset

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Yep… this one is packed full of topics, insights, lessons and tips from Mo and Miles.

We cover:

  • How to gracefully go through a divorce, keep your head high and take the high road in tough situations
  • DEKAFIT race & how the “correct” type of CrossFit training will compliment this type of racing as well as traditional OCR
  • The importance of mindset in creating a bulletproof mental state for training racing and life
  • and more!

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts!