When Alix and I started the Health Episodes I mentioned to her that I wanted to interview some folks to talk about health, fitness, and such. Margaret immediately came to mind, I reached out, she responded in about 3 seconds, and the rest is history :-).  It was perfect timing too, as she just published and article about finding joy and simplifying for her 2018 goal.

In this episode Margaret Schlachter talks with us about:

  • Her adventure in to pole dancing, how damn hard it is, and how it may be an Olympic sport soon.. yep you read that right.. 🙂
  • How she began a social media cleanse to connect with friends better
  • How she found balance and practical application with Wim Hoff and the Keto diet
  • How you can “stack” your training to get in movement, cooking, & meditation all at once
  • Her book recommendations for 2018 that encompass all aspects of health & wellness
  • And more!

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or SoundCloud

Check out Margaret’s blog post on “The Year of Simplicity” here

Books Margaret Mentioned:

Best Pole Dance Ever Link:
Brass Monkey Move:
Martini Spin:
Showgirl Spin:
And this gem… 🙂