In this episode Miles and I chat with our friend Beni Gifford.  We start the show as we always do, wanting to not just learn about training and racing, but really dive into what makes our guests tick, and boy did we learn a lot! Beni opens up, enlightens us, and shares some diamonds, not pearls, of wisdom that you absolutely must hear!

You will here and learn:

  •  How to use the “why” technique for things you want or how you want to become, perform, etc.
  • How Beni uses meditation and one of the best/funniest mantras I’ve ever heard to get through hard races
  • How he has made difficult choices and not followed the status quo of what he “should be doing” in order to follow his own unique path to happiness in life
  • How to prevent conflict with co-workers, family, & friends with the “call out at point easy” technique
  • Why it is so important to chase your dreams
  • His greatest OCR influences and heroes
  • How he views his body as a Ferrari and how he uses nutrition to fuel the machine!
  • Why he thinks “NO WAN” will beat Hunter McIntyre on the Skull Buster
  • The reemergence of his alter ego “Antonio”
  • and a LOT MORE!! Seriously you will walk away from this episode inspired

CLICK HERE to listen or download from iTunes, Stitcher, or SoundCloud

Check out Muse Wearable meditation band HERE