Have you ever thought about doing an endurance race like Ironman, Marathon, Spartan Beast, etc., but thought “I could NEVER do that”? Or are you in the beginning/middle of your endurance race training plan but concerned if your training correctly or focused on thinking it’s still impossible? Today I will give you 7 key strategies to break through your “I can’t” mindset and turn it into an “I CAN and I WILL”. Click here to listen now or download on iTunes for later.
1- A Positive Realistic Mindset:
Training for an endurance race of any type first requires that you be in the right mental state.
– Work with a coach that will support and guide you through your mental hurdles as much as your physical demands.
– Extreme makeover weight loss Edition/ Biggest Loser
– woman runs 5k & hadn’t ran more than 400m
– running ½, full marathons, lifting, etc
– Understand when your body is tired & you need rest
– Understand times when you need to suck it up and push through
– long rides/runs
– carrying heavy loads “If you can take it you can make it”
– Have a mantra
– “I cannot be broken”, “I am unstoppable”
– Be realistic in your goals, don’t expect to break records on your first or even 2nd, 3rd go at it
– Building mental strength in sport can carry over into your everyday life
– long work hours
– sleepless nights bc of kids, work, stress (think of Special Forces training)
2- Stop Overthinking:
– Our tendency is to think negatively as soon as we are approached with a challenge
– how is this possible?
– This is going to take forever!
– We worry about what we can’t control instead of mastering what we can control
– What if it rains, if it’s too cold, too hot
– Instead, plan for these events and create a solution in your mind, even in writing
– rehearse your problem solutions as part of daily meditation
– While riding your bike, go over procedures for changing a flat
– While running create an anti-cramp solution
– realize that you will have bad days
– some workouts are designed for you to fail
– Some weeks will be harder than others
– climate changes will effect your speed/pace
– STOP comparing yourself to pros/faster AG athletes
4- Have a Realistic training plan for where you are in your life right now:
– just start a new job or have a child? Now may not be the time to take on IM training
– pick the right race for your strengths and goals
– stay within YOUR abilities
– learn to train alone, without music
5- Stop listening to Music when you train:
– we listen to music for motivation or to postpone boredom
– You need to develop then mental strength & focus to train w/o extra stimuli
– listen to your body run rhythm
– listen to your pedal cadence
– go through your mental checklists
6- Have a solid nutrition plan:
– You’re about to beat the hell out of your body. You will need the right nutrients to recover/rebuild
7- Incorporate Mobility & Strength Training:
– training for endurance sports such as Tri/cycling/marathon develop Asymmetries & imbalances in musculature that can cause joint/tendon pain.