Monthly Archives

March 2015

Episode 53: How to Cleanse Daily with Seasonal Foods

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In this episode you get to hear me speaking with a group in Dallas on how to use fresh seasonal vegetables to “cleanse” your body of environmental toxins, free radicals from hard training, and more. Cleansing your body DAILY is a great way to rid your body of toxins vs. going on a crash cleanse/fast, that leaves you hangry, unable to focus, and inevitably gaining all the weight back. Stay tuned at the end to hear a few minutes of Q&A where I answer what to eat the night before a marathon or half marathon.

To listen click here or download on iTunes for later.

I would love to hear your feedback! If you have found or used certain foods as part of your daily cleanse regime and would like to share, leave it below.

Episode 53: Natural Remedies for Cold, Flu, & More

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In this video episode, George, Dr. Webster, and I discuss which foods, herbs, and supplements work best for you when you are feeling under the weather. Did you know that raw honey and cinnamon is one of the best “natural” cough syrups and cold remedies you can find? Did you know that garlic, if eaten daily, has shown in studies to reduce likelihood of illness by 63%? Or that garlic can reduce the length of a cold by 70%? PLUS garlic helps to feed the good bacteria in your gut to improve immune function and digestion. Alongside garlic there is a liquid silver that can fight off fungal, bacterial, viral, infections and more. Learn all about these, oil of oregano, elderberry extract and more below.

If you have any questions or comments abut this show please leave them below :-).