Monthly Archives

June 2014

Episode 35: Benefits of Sourdough Bread, Why You Should Meet with a Nutritionist, and go PLAY!

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In today’s episode I discuss the health benefits of eating REAL sourdough bread. Yes bread CAN be good for you, especially your gut. I talk about why you should meet with a nutritionist before going on a “quick fix” diet/detox/cleanse. Finally, I will tell you why I just need you to go outside and play. If you want to get in shape and STAY in shape you need to pick an activity that is fun. Click here to listen or go to iTunes and download for later.

Here is the website for ordering you own sourdough bread starter kits.

For Folks in the DFW area:

Episode 34: FODMAPS, Sugar Intolerance, Protein Intake, Office Fitness, The Atkins Diet and More

By | Blog, Podcast | No Comments

In this Episode I discuss:
- Sugar intolerances and FODMAP Diet
– How much protein do we need daily
– How to get fit in the office
– What you need to know about the Atkins Diet
– If I could eat only 3 foods for one year what would those foods be and why

To listen to this episode in all its glory click here.

You can also download via iTunes to listen later.

For a list of FODMAP foods click here.

If you like what you hear please leave a rating & review on iTunes.